Tuesday, February 23, 2010


While watching the series finale of Gilmore Girls, again, I began feeling slightly-scratch that- GREATLY nostalgic of my old high school memories and it hit me once again that I am graduating high school. Finally!!! But at the same time, this show reminded me that real life is just around the corner for me, rather than a detached, far off dream that doesn't effect me. It's here, it's real, and it's right around the corner. And as exciting as it is, it's SCARY AS HELL!! I turn 18 in a couple of weeks. and I have only 50 some days of school left.

And with all this advice being thrown at me, enouragments, and adults telling me "wow, 18! You're an adult now!" "Where has the time gone" "Senior year will fly by" and "College is just a few months away, this will be the time of your life, ya know" I just want to scream YES I KNOW OKAY!!! I get it. Don't pressure me, or try to tell me how exciting it is, because I know. I'm feeling it. And I'm worried, and excited, and scared, and pumped, and ready and not ready all at once, so please do not remind me of how consuming these feelings are. For now, can't I just spend time with my friends, be a high school senior, a kid, and nothing more? For now?

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