Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why I'm Sorry For Us

Recently, a video went viral on the internet showing US marines literally peeing on the dead bodies of the Taliban. Many people see nothing wrong with this. They are just the Taliban, they say. Many people have been defending these soldiers, saying that they themselves would do it too. The Taliban would do much worse to us and wants to.

To those defenders: your reasons and defenses are exactly why these soldiers should NOT be doing this. 

Because YOU ARE NOT THE TALIBAN. You are an American soldier. You are supposed to have integrity, dignity, respect, understanding, and pride in you. And a person that would and did commit the act of pissing on a dead human being has none of that.

If you are one of these people or soldiers, do not wonder why most of the world thinks Americans are rude, ignorant, and arrogant. You just proved to them that you are.

You deserve nothing less than a dishonorable discharge and severe punishment.

A dead human being is a dead human being. A dead human being is not your enemy. He is a fallen brother.

We are not born with enemies. Or religion. Or hate. We are raised that way. We are innocent souls corrupted by outside forces. A baby knows nothing but wonder and love until they are taught otherwise.

A baby born into a family in the Taliban is brainwashed. They are shown hate, are raised with fathers that oppress their mothers and rant and rave in anger and resentment over another culture that probably has never even really touch their lives but is heard about by their fathers before them .

The only reason we are not like this ourselves is because we are told so. We are told we live in country that allows you to learn and explore and understand. We are brainwashed as well. Just to believe different things. 

For this your body should not be maliciousness ruined.

I believe that when a human being dies, our souls are released to a kind of heaven. A place where our souls can be free. Free of judgment, hate, anger, and grief. Free from our corrupted minds and bodies. When your soul is free, you don’t see or have enemies anymore. Your actions, your body, and your brain release you- as your most pure and innocent self. For those who follow a religion – this is God’s forgiveness.

body should be laid to rest respectively and to the wishes that the soul would want. It’s the very least we can do. Because it is time to forgive the body too.


Yes, the Taliban committed horrible crimes against us, and try to today. It is only through education and freedom from religion that we can ALL learn and understand each other.

Yes, the Taliban don’t like me, and would probably kill me for the life I lead, but I still mourn for those dead bodies and their souls. And I am sorry that a soldier supposedly defending me committed such a crime against them.